Stay Connected Virtually with Patients
We recognize the impact of isolation for patients and families during this difficult time and we are doing everything we can to help patients and loved ones stay connected. If you have a family member at HDGH , please consider alternative ways to connect with loved ones.
- HDGH Guest Wi-Fi is available for patients to allow video calls to family and friends. The "Guest" network can be found through your wireless settings and is free of charge.
- The hospital supports the use of technology to connect with your loved ones through virtual options, like FaceTime, or telephone calls.
- Call your loved one in their room through the switchboard at 519.257.5111
- Patients are encouraged to bring their own devices ( or have one dropped off to patient ) when possible to stay connected to loved ones through FaceTime, Skype, etc.
- When patients do not have access to their own personal devices, assistance may be provided to access to technology and assist with virtual visitation.
- Send an E-card to your loved one. E-cards are a free service enabling you to send a personalized message to your loved one or friend. These are printed and delivered to patients who do not have access to email.